Movers + Mavericks

Tiffany Soi x Niraj Shah



This is Tiffany Soi and welcome to this conversation for my WeMove series: “Living beyond Limits & Mental Resilience”. I am very pleased to be sharing my dialogue with Niraj Shah:  Niraj is the founder of Mind: Unlocked, one of London's leading mental well-being communities. They are developing evidence-based, practical, digital tools to help people around the world optimise their mental well-being and mindset. He is also European Co-Chair for Silicon Valley’s Transformative Technology Lab - the largest global community of entrepreneurs using technology to raise mental health, emotional well-being and human thriving.  Niraj is a man who encapsulates the themes of this series through his own story - which I frankly find quite shocking, as becomes evident as I process the circumstances in real-time and find myself somewhat unresponsive and blank! - but moreover, he has taken his personal life trauma & his deep founded fascinations to actively drive transformation in the mental health & resilien