Movers + Mavericks

Movement, our Environment and our Mental Health - Damain Fearns - Episode 46



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast. Why do we do this stuff, what is it about us humans that want to see what’s beyond the mountains or obstacles in front of us, how do we get meaning from doing what we do and why are emotions so important to the whole performance, growth and progression of our lives? All of these are questions we asked ourselves and are themes that emerge from conversations we have with our guests.When we meet characters who have achieved great things or are operating in the zone of their potential, there is something that feels very connected within them. Like the dots have lined up and they are able to navigate scenarios be they in sport, business or life with a seeming ease. Now this isn’t to say it is easy for them but they are comfortable in situations that others might not be. Not reckless or dangerous, just able to be present, connected and whole. Like they have integrated practice and theory to the point where in the moment they can create more time to perform. And it is the