Movers + Mavericks

Breath is Life - Brian Mackenzie - Episode 40



This week we share our conversation with Brian Mackenzie.Brian is part of a select group of coaches who were involved in the early days of Crossfit and beyond. Brian has dabbled in ultra endurance events and worked with his a wife Erin Cafaro MacKenzie a two time Olympic Gold Medalist in Rowing on preparing for the 2012 Olympic Games in London.More recently he has become heavily involved in the importance of breathing for performance and as a byproduct health. He is working with some of the worlds leading athletes whilst researching and developing protocols to harness the benefits of breathing for boosting performance.What strikes a chord with Chris and I are the philosophical nature of Brian and others in his position. I am not sure if developing an understanding of the mechanics of breathing and its benefits creates this or simply a matter of time in the game. Most likely both.Having worked with some of the worlds best to achieve the impossible, Brian has a unique view of the world and takes this approach t