Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Pursuing Justice



Most churches do a great job of offering ministries which strengthen the faith of its people. Many carry out ministries of mercy which show care to the hurting. But how many pursue ministries that bring justice to unjust systems? Yet God has bound us together as members of the body of Christ in order to “destroy the works of the devil” in the world. When we stand against the evil that comes against people and against God, it takes more than one Christ-follower, even one church, to change the world. It takes the power of God’s Spirit working in an awakened Church working together to pursue peace and justice in the earth for the glory of God. QUESTIONS • In what ways does our church provide ministries of mercy or compassion? Have you engaged in ministering to the needs of people through these ministries? How does it make you feel to bring help and hope to others? • In what ways does our church provide ministries of justice, confronting the evil systems that lead to people being harmed, exploited or enslaved? H