Teddy & The Bassman

Teddy & The Bassman - Episode 45



It’s probably inevitable that Episode 45 is a bit more somber, as we tackle the main issue on everyone’s mind.   While that hungry wolf, COVID-19, prowls outside, looking for its next meal, Teddy & The Bassman are staying well-sequestered in Steampunk Towers, staying focused on keeping positive and finding ways to keep alert and well. Hygge is explored a bit further, as is tapping and other activities to alleviate the tedium of staying indoors. Teddy embarks on ukulele lessons, and the Bassman flexes his jigsaw puzzle prowess. And of course, it wouldn’t be a T&TB episode without the usual mélange of vintage commercials and jingles, interspersed with a plethora of cool music. Stay safe out there, everyone. That wolf is relentless, and no respecter of age, affluence, wealth or fame. But we can put it down for good if we all work together.