RIA Weekly

Episode 120: RedHat buys CoreOS, Heptio DOES NOT have a distro - the kubernetes kids are over their Christmas hangovers



Red Hat buys CoreOS, 451 says the container market is worth $1.5bn now and will more than double by 2021, Heptio and Cisco put out Kubernetes distros. Also, Bezos, Buffet, and Dimon are gonna fix healthcare. The kubernetes market be like… https://d2mxuefqeaa7sj.cloudfront.net/s_43192D9FD6DAEF29DA5AB89086C0521853B35FD68E4CC1C22FDD3869AFF34E5E_1517508894758_ricky+and+morty+thunderdome.jpg 75% of IT decision-makers believe “that container management and orchestration software, such as Kubernetes, is sufficient to replace private cloud software, such as OpenStack or VMware,” @ripcitylyman & @alsadowski (@451Research) (https://451research.com/report-short?alertid=1035&contactid=0033200001wgKCKAA2&entityId=94241&type=mis&utm_campaign=market-insight&utm_content=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid&utm_term=94241-Red+Hat+acquires+CoreOS+and+a+larger+stake+in+Kubernetes+for+%24250m). This episode brought to you by: Datadog! This episode is sponsored by Datadog, a monitoring platform for cloud-scale infrastr