RIA Weekly

Episode 115: Confularity at Kublecon



We finally get to the bottom of what this kubernetes thing is and is not, thanks to guest co-host, Andrew Clay Shafer (https://twitter.com/littleidea). There is no co-host shortage. Pre-roll SDT news & hype Jan 16th, first Live Recording (https://www.meetup.com/CloudAustin/events/mzfzwnyxcbvb/) in Austin Texas - guest co-host Tasty Meats Paul (https://twitter.com/pczarkowski). Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack), subscribe the newsletter (https://softwaredefinedtalk.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ce6149b4008d62a08093a4fa6&id=5877922e21), and pay-up for our members only podcast (https://www.patreon.com/sdt). This week In k8s - Confularity at Kublecon KubeCon (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-and-cloudnativecon-north-america) - that a thing? As Kubernetes matures, the cloud-native movement turns its attention to the service mesh (https://www.geekwire.com/2017/kubernetes-matures-cloud-native-movement-turns-attention-service-mesh/) - climb the stack! List of announcements