RIA Weekly

Episode 90: These strategies work really well except for when they’re totally fucked



While it's unknown how much time you should let your kids play Minecraft, it's equally unclear at the moment who'll win the second cloud wars. Between Google, Azure, AWS, and all the others, how companies differentiate themselves and what customers will buy on isn't sorted just yet. We discuss Google Next, Pivotal's momentum announcement, and serious theories for Okta IPO'ing. Pardon the shoddily formatted show notes below, Coté was in a hurry to get to Spring Break. Google NEXT Competing on features? Or just pricing and brand? The "complete solution." Richard summarizes announcements (https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/03/google-cloud-next) More from Google... (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/03/Google-Cloud-Platform-your-Next-home-in-the-cloud.html) Cheaper, faster, more data centers Google Cloud Dataprep for cleaning up data for ingestion Cloud Opinion's Keynote Day 1 (https://medium.com/@cloud_opinion/google-next-day-1-keynotes-45c78be3dbfc) "Differentiation from other cloud providers — "we are Goo