RIA Weekly

Episode 87: Snap's cloud billions, Google's social, Monitoring Startups considered hard, DHS wants your passwords



Snap is looking to spend billions on AWS and Google Cloud over the next five years. We talk about what exactly that could be for, then check in with Google's social strategy and thermostat strategies; meanwhile, the America Fuck Yeah crew wants to start gathering passwords at the boarder. Also, Brandon lays out the case that an open-core monitoring startup is a hard row to hoe. Also, Baltimore is not in Maine. (But Coté is pretty sure it actually is.) Mid-roll Coté: we're a media sponsor for DevOpsDays Baltimore (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2017-baltimore/welcome/), March 7th to 8th. No discount code yet, but we're getting one. Coté: Come see me talk at the Austin Cloud Meetup, Feb 22nd (https://www.meetup.com/Austin-Cloud-Native-Meetup/events/237172788/) Matt: Microsoft Ignite Australia: Chef will have a booth & a talk (https://events.chef.io/events/microsoft-ignite-australia/) ChefConf ChefConf 2017 Teaser (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHpt-Xhj84) Coté: check out Pivotal's DIY platform paper (htt