RIA Weekly

Episode 86: Life after artisanal pork rinds (i.e. tech M&A), CostCo Down Under



With a flurry of M&A over the past few weeks, we discuss some of the more popular ones: AppDynamics, Trello, and Apiary. These kind of buys are all about what the acquirer plans to do with the new “asset” and the financial health of the company being acquired. We discuss these recent acquisitions, including who the “losers” are. Also, the low-down on CostCo in Australia! Mid-roll Coté: I’m speaking at DevOpsDays Charlotte (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2017-charlotte/agenda/), day two keynote, I think. Use the code SDT to get 25% off! Matt: Talking Chef at the AWS Sydney User Group (https://www.meetup.com/AWS-Sydney/events/232172236/) Microsoft Ignite Australia: Chef will have a booth & a talk (https://events.chef.io/events/microsoft-ignite-australia/) ChefConf ChefConf 2017 Teaser (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHpt-Xhj84) Coté: much self-promotion to catch up on: I’m writing more “original content” on my blog (https://cote.io/), and plan to write more; subscribe to my newsletter for a round-up of st