RIA Weekly

Episode 85: Being an analyst without being an asshole - Coté’s professional life, part 2



In part two of Coté navel gazing, we discuss Coté’s life as an analyst and strategists. Matt Ray is off in Australia-land, so it’s just Brandon and Coté. We discuss: what IT analyst work on; working with marketers that have poor, nothing new material; learning how to function inside a large company in the executive suite; M&A and investment bankers, getting shit done in large companies (it’s always slow), like Project Sputnik. Mid-roll DevOpsDays Charlotte (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2017-charlotte/welcome/), Feb 6th and 7th, 2017 - get 25% of when you register with the code SDT. Coté’s speaking at it! ChefConf 2017 Teaser (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHpt-Xhj84) Show Notes See part one of this series (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/79). Coté’s published work (http://redmonk.com/cote/) at RedMonk. Coté’s analysis on disruption in the industry analyst business (https://cote.io/2015/02/19/the-new-industry-analysts-again/), going over the business as it matters to the individual analysts. A discu