RIA Weekly

Episode 84: 2017 Predictions: cloud, containers, AI



After speculating on GitHub’s business we throw out our 2017 predictions. We cover AWS, containers, AI, and government IT. Since holiday family time is coming up, Brandon also suggests some simple family IT help-desk tasks - like backup - and throws out the stretch goal of discussing 2FA at the dinner table. Mid-roll Coté: Come see me January 10th in Phoenix (https://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup/events/236191762/), 5:30pm at the Galvanize Office. Free parking! Coté: Pivotal Cloud Foundry 1.9 is out. It adds in Google Cloud & Azure support, so you’re all multi-cloud ready; it will run 250,000 containers concurrently; you can now auto-scale on based on new metrics like HTTP Latency and HTTP Throughput, so when your app seems slow to users, the platform kicks in to make it go faster (previously, CPU; Spring Boot developers will see handy diagnostics info about their apps with new Actuator (diagnostic thing) integrations; devs can use PCF to run “tasks” (one time processes); and, of course, a slew