RIA Weekly

Episode 83: I think the word we object to is "DevOps"



...Statler and Waldorf talk with Fozzie ...What's the "OpsOps" of DevOps?. ...Never say you're going to spend $1bn on anything What exactly is DevOps? We dare to discuss that at first and then get into Amazon's new managed hosting offering. There's some new container news with containerd from DockerInc land, and some little notes on Azure's features and Cisco's InterCloud shutting down. Also, we find out which Muppet each of us would be played by in The Muppets Take Over Software Defined Talk. Mid-roll Coté: Come see me January 10th in Phoenix (https://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup/events/236191762/), 5:30pm at the Galvanize Office. Free parking! Coté: check out my interview with Tony at Home Depot about their first year being cloud native, on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (https://blog.pivotal.io/pivotal-conversations/features/045-cloud-native-at-home-depot-with-tony-mcculley). They went from 0 to ~150 apps in their first year. Like, real, business critical apps that you probably end up interacting wit