RIA Weekly

Episode 73: “My pants are full of brisket,” Apple updates, & Oracle storms the AWS castle



Apple has put out three new things - the phone, the watch, and the OS - which we discuss. And then Oracle announced it's destroying Amazon, which is fun. We start it all off with a word-salad of the usual nonsense and deodorant talk. Listen above, subscribe to the feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/SoftwareDefinedTalk) (or iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/software-defined-talk-podcast/id893738521?mt=2)), or download the MP3 directly (https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/9b74150b-3553-49dc-8332-f89bbbba9f92/69b48ec5-05d5-4440-a2ae-4cd30027952b.mp3). With Brandon Whichard (https://twitter.com/bwhichard), Matt Ray (https://twitter.com/mattray), and Coté (https://twitter.com/cote). SPONSOR Check out cote.io/pivotal (https://cote.io/pivotal/) for free books, free cloud time, etc. Come to DellEMCWorld on Oct 18th to 20th (http://dellemcworld.com/), in Austin. I'll be speaking there. There's also the annual vBBQ event (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vbbq-2016-dellemcworld-edition-tickets-2795101824