RIA Weekly

Episode 66: I-Bankers Smokin' L's in the Hot-tub



SPONSOR See cote.io/promos (http://cote.io/promos) for a full list of all the deals "mid-roll" stuff currently going on. Get $50 off DevOpsDays Minneapolis, July 20th and 21st, with the code SDT2016. I'll be getting some for Chicago and Seattle sometime too. Interested in speeding your software's cycle time, reducing release cycles, and a resilient cloud platform? Check out the free ebook on Cloud Foundry (http://pivotal.io/cloud-foundry-the-cloud-native-platform?utm_source=Cote-promo&utm_medium=LP-link&utm_campaign=Duncan-Winn-OReilly-Cloud-Native-eBook-Q116) or take Cloud Foundry for a test drive with Pivotal Web Services (http://try.run.pivotal.io/SDT?utm_source=cotepivotallandingpage&utm_medium=landingpage&utm_term=FreeTwoMonthsPWS&utm_content=button&utm_campaign=cote). See those and other things at cote.io/pivotal (http://cote.io/pivotal/). Show notes If you like video, see this episodes' video recording (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk_5VqpWEtiWnQ7od08nzkB32oT4gnDiP). Samsung Buys Joyent Joyen