A Phrasal Verb A Day - Learn English Phrasal Verbs With Luke Thompson

A Phrasal Verb a Day #42 - to get in



1. arrive at home - "I got in really late last night" 2. to go inside a place/something - "I couldn't get in because the door was locked" "Come on, get in the car!" 3. to be accepted for a place at university - "I had to take 2 exams and do an interview for Cambridge - it was really hard to get in" 4. to be elected into a political position - "In 2010 the Conservative party got in" 5. to hand something in / to deliver something (e.g. an assignment) - "I have to get this essay in by 12 o'clock tomorrow" 6. to ask someone to come to do a job - "We're getting a plumber in to fix our bathroom" 7. to manage to fit an activity into a busy schedule - "I can't always get a phrasal verb in every day" - "When my brother and my Dad are speaking, I can't get a word in" 8. to buy loads of stuff that you need - "We'll need to get lots of food in before Christmas" 9. a plane or train arrives - "Our flight didn't get in until 2.30AM! It was a nightmare" 10. to buy things for other people (especially drinks in the pub) - "I'l