Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Beyond Goal Setting



In episode 50 of Fresh Tracks we discuss three simple habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to more easily get things done, grow your business with ease, and create with intention.  Many of us struggle because we work towards our goals haphazardly and start off our work day by getting done what we ‘have to’ first. We prevent our success in our business by unconsciously blocking our happiness, not feeling whole as a person and spending our time trying to fit in rather than appreciating what makes us unique. In this week’s show we review what happens if you spend just a few minutes focusing on what’s important before starting work each day. Taking a few moments to focus on your goals and move forward with intention can change everything. You will ultimately find you spend less time achieving more. Learning to love who you are and honoring your distinctness, stopping unsupportive patterns that block your happiness, consciously choosing and clearing your relationships, and caring for your work space