Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Integrating Your Many Parts Is Where Creating Fresh Tracks Start



Danielle Watson, founder of The Purse Process talks with us about the power of taking our many, oftentimes varied selves and integrating them into one that serves the world. How can we own that space in our own unique way? Danielle is a perfect example of this – she has taken her degree in archaeology and anthropology, a successful mobile yoga business owner, and the willingness to break the mold into becoming a successful coach. Danielle shares that reintegrating our many parts into one allows us to use our skills and knowledge in an unconventional way, which we call creating Fresh Tracks. Danielle took her purse process across the country and helps people take a deep, no-nonsense view of how their actions are affecting their results and how their beliefs are guiding their actions. And yes, she does all this by going through your purse! In this week’s show Danielle also shares her adventures doing her first Ted Talk and talks about her belief that every single person has the skills and knowledge that can be