Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

How Your Relationships Unconsciously Affect Your Business



Episode 26 – What type of relationships should you allow in your life and do you need to create in order to cut Fresh Tracks? In this week’s show Kelly discusses both personal and professional relationships and how to become aware of both healthy and toxic relationships. Living consciously of how the relationships in your life affect you is a key component of living a life on purpose. It’s completely normal and healthy for relationships to come and go – some people are meant to be in your life for a period of time, not forever. Awareness of the different roles people have in our lives, the teachings they bring us, and when we need to make tough choices and consciously let go of some people is fundamental piece of this week’s show. Consciousness of the reality that when we change the people closest to us are forced to change as well permits us to give them the space and grace to adjust with love and kindness affects both of us. Kelly provides tips on how to handle situations where you have changed but the peo