Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

The Intersection of Talent and Genius



Episode 18 – in this episode of Fresh Tracks we speak with Nancy Marmolejo on the subject of talent and genius. Nancy shares why knowing both your talent and genius are important to the very survival of your business. Your talent and genius not only serve as a beacon to your ideal clients, but allows you to make your work more fulfilling. With 8 out of 10 businesses failing in the first 18 months, Nancy believes failing to communicate your unique value is why so many great businesses are unsuccessful. Nancy believes everyone has a unique combination of life experience and natural strengths, which we’ve had since we were kids, which make us who we are today. In today’s world people are craving authenticity. As you find your genius you are really finding your true self and leading with it. Nancy’s background growing up in an entrepreneurial family and working as an inner city teacher really shaped how she is today and how her unique gifts allows her to see other people’s talent and genius. Not living from your