Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Your Business as the Divine Self-Expression of Your Soul’s Purpose



Episode 10 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks Dr. Vanessa Moon shares her wisdom on how our soul's purpose is often expressed through our business. Dr. Vanessa believes your business is the divine self-expression of your soul’s purpose. While there are certain fundamental rules about running a profitable business, the ways in which to do that are as varied as the souls involved. In the end, the only right way is the one that works for you. How can you discover the right way for you? Dr. Vanessa reviews what each of the eight divine energy centers are and examines how each of them have unique strengths and purposes on the planet. Making even subtle shifts in how we serve others, based on our energy centers, can make dramatic differences in our results. 1:24 – What IS a psychic business coach and what are the benefits of using one?5:47 – How to know if you are not working in alignment with your Soul’s purpose9:34 – Why every experience you have is for a reason, even the challenges14:42 – The eight divine energy