Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Spirituality Tweet Chat with Meredith Gould



Can a spirituality Tweet Chat really cover deep topics like spiritually, faith and religion? In part two of my conversation with Meredith Gould, we pick up our conversation with a discussion of Tweet Chats, particularly the Health and Spirituality Tweet Chat (@hlthsp). This Tweet Chat happens on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:00 pm EST.Meredith Gould is well-known as a healthcare communications thought-leader. But many may not realize she is an author and has been published multiple times Meredith Gould is well-known as a healthcare communications thought-leader. But many may not realize she is an author and has been published multiple times about social media and communications use for churches. Her most recently published book is "Desperately Seeking Spirituality" which we discussed on Part I of our Meredith Gould is well-known as a healthcare communications thought-leader. But many may not realize she is an author and has been published multiple times about social media and communications use for chur