Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Managing social media complaints



Managing social media complaints for a health system can be terrible and no fun. Unless you're Amanda Changuris who thrives on the personal contact and knowing she is helping people. In our conversation Amanda relates her process for being engaged with patients and her community via Twitter. She also shares a few stories of patients (or their friends and families) who were very unhappy and how she and the social media team at Highmark Health resolved those concerns. Listen to our conversation or drop in at the time stamps below. 00:00 Introduction to Amanda Changuris00:43 Amanda's background in TV news03:21 Social Media at Highmark04:37 Who does the writing?05:13 Highmark's social media presence & team06:20 What's the procedure for managing social media complaints?08:05 Your response time is WHAT? Are you married to social media?10:28 What should normal people expect for response time?11:48 Does speed of response impact others?13:20 No Scripts! Honor their time13:38 The ChaCha Response16:20 Schedule Conte