Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Hormones and Gut Health with Bridgit Danner



Welcome! Today’s guest is Bridgit Danner, a fellow podcaster who is passionate about women’s health. I met Bridgit at a conference in CA, and we connected immediately. Bridgit specializes in hormones and gut health, so those are our topics today. Join us! Bridgit shares the following: The Hormone Summit is Bridgit’s latest project. The summit includes 35 interviews around themes of hormone issues, PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, thyroid disorders, skin problems, sex drive, life stages, fertility, per-menopause, food, lifestyle, and supportive modalities. The dates are April 11-18; see Resources below for details! What we eat dramatically impacts our hormones! Pesticides and hormones in our food overload our bodies with toxins. We need good fats, leafy greens, and fermented foods. Signs of an unhappy gut include bloating, irregular bowel, food coma, heartburn, gas, migraines, and skin disorders. There are common trigger foods for migraines, general inflammation, and even Candida issues. “Very few people have a grea