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Travel The World For Free While Blogging with Hasmita Nair



It has become apparent that having a work-life balance is essential to being a successful entrepreneur. Having the ability to be able to disconnect from work can however, be a struggle for many solopreneurs and small business owners. Why? Because we are passionate about our work and love what we do. However to avoid burnout it's important to give yourself consistent breaks from work, take vacations and have some "me time". How can entrepreneurs afford to vacation at some of the finest 5-star resorts around the world for FREE? Travel Blogger, Hasmita Nair of Jozilicious is here to share her top tips for landing FREE all expense paid travel.  In this episode you will learn: Why you don't need to have a massive following to land free travel trips The easiest way to land your first free vacation How to bring a buddy with you for free The best times to travel for free How to get a free meal at the newest restaurant in your neighborhood and lots more...