Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#053 - Being Visible and Growing Your Audience



The episode you’re about to hear is a mentoring session on visibility & growing your audience that I did with Matt Fox. Matt’s one of the coaches taking part in the Clarity Advanced Coach & Facilitator Programme, and he and I met just over a year ago when he joined the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. And one of the things he developed while he was on that programme was his podcast, “The Heart of Dad”. Matt’s a father himself, and he’s passionate about supporting dads to really be there in their children’s lives. In fact, many of his coaching clients are entrepreneurs who are also dads and want to experience more clarity and heart in their work and in their lives as a whole. So about a month ago, Matt mentioned that he was planning to do the ‘Heart of Dad’ summit, an event where he was going to interview coaches and teachers who have had an impact in Matt’s life, and who are also fathers. Many of these people are dear friends and colleagues of mine, guys like Dicken Bettinger, Dr Bill Pettit, Amir Karkou