Northgate Christian Community

The RE-Surrection



Jon Hasselbeck Jon spoke on the story of Lazarus’ resurrection. When Jesus heard Lazarus was dying, he waited to travel to him, despite the fact that Mary and Martha loved him greatly. Jesus had a reason for this and knew that there was greater glory for God in Lazarus’ resurrection rather than in his healing. Jon pointed out that even though we may feel that God is not acting when we ask for healing or guidance, He isdoing something \greater than what we had planned. Mary felt like Jesus wasn’t present when her brother was sick. Jesus told her that Lazarus will live again, but Mary believed he was giving the standard comforting saying Jews said when someone died. So, she gives the proper response that she knows Lazarus will rise on the last day during the resurrection. Jesus then reveals that He is the resurrection and the life. He has come not just to save Israel and the world, but to remake it and give it new life. Jon then talked about the four “RE’s”. 1. Redeemed 2. Reconciled 3. Restored 4. Resurrected