Northgate Christian Community

Our Struggles Are What Qualify Us



Jon Hasselbeck While it is difficult to acknowledge, let alone talk about, our deepest vulnerabilities and areas of brokenness, the church is to be a safe community through which people can experience the love, hope and healing of Jesus. When the church chooses to not talk about our vulnerabilities and areas of brokenness, people remain stuck and their sin grows. That is why we are so grateful to Andrew and Kaylee for bravely sharing their story with the church. Andrew shared about his nearly two-decade long struggle with pornography and sexual addiction, which started soon after his mom had died when he was a kid. About a year ago, Andrew joined a group that God was using to help set him free. For the first 9 months he was in this group, Andrew was sober from pornography. However, despite the success he was experiencing, he shared that his relationship with Christ was not growing. 9 months later, Andrew relapsed he and Kaylee hit their lowest point. Andrew was completely broken and hopeless. Kaylee was angry