Northgate Christian Community

"From Slaves to Sons"



Larry & Ayana Moore Larry started his message by revealing how he came to follow Christ. He started off as a person of the streets using and selling drugs.  Later on, he was transformed by the power of Christ into a new creation. Along his walk he has viewed himself through many different lenses, such as being a pastor. The main point of his message was that we must view ourselves as children of God first. Out of that, our sonship flows to the rest of who we are and what we do. He brought our attention to Matthew 16:24. Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross.” In his old ways if someone crossed him Larry would have showed him who they were messing with. As he is continues to be transformed by Christ, he denies himself that right, and shows them Christ. He shows them love instead of beating them up. Ayana, closes the message with three points. 1) We are all called to conform to image of Christ. 2) Disciples have discipline – it is a choice to deny yourself