New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

144: Treat yourself like a Business - 7 KPI Series



Hey, you! Thanks for listening to another episode of the New Class Rising podcast!  I hope that this episode gets you on a great start to your week. I am certainly excited for the show today and the series that we are getting ready to go on over the next few weeks. So, today marks the beginning of this series I am calling "Your 7 Wealth KPIs". What are KPIs you ask? Oh nothing much, just the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU LIVING THE LIFE YOU WANT OR NOT! Alright, my bad! I certainly didn't mean to sounds like I was yelling at you. Think of it more as the "passionate inflection of my voice". LOL Okay, seriously, KPIs stands for 'Key Performance Indicators' and you want to know a little secret? - The most successful companies (and I would venture to say that the most successful people) in the world all have them. So then, why don't you? Seriously, multi-billion dollar businesses all have KPIs that they track, and, trust me, they're not doing it for their health or because they want to give their workers something else