New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

011: Starting Your Internet Business Website Pt.2



On Part. 2 of 'Starting your Interet Business Website' I am discussing the "WHAT". More specifically, I am sharing with your WHAT your mindset should be when it comes to thinking about the role your internet business website will play in your business and WHAT you should strive to accomplish through it.   There are 5 Critical Components that I think you MUST have to get you started on the right foot and if you miss just one of these you could be doing a disservice to your potential customers.  Don't do this to your potential customers if you want to succeed as an Internet Entrepreneur! #NewClassRising #011 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis]   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: