Baikal Nomads Mixtape

Mixtape #192 by Ahau



Welcome Mixtape #192 by Ahau from Chile! "Blessing i grew up in the south of Chile very close to the Andean rain forest, which always helped me to appreciate the importance of nature and love its sounds. When I got older is when I discovered that these could coexist with electronic music, creating a sub-genre that unifies what I liked most about music and dance with what I loved the most on the planet: its nature and its roots. So one day I got tired of just dancing and listening and I dared to collect my favorite music and then mix it as a DJ. Luckily my relationship with music became much more serious than just listening to it, mixing it up and dancing it, so I began to feel that it also wanted to express itself through me. After much effort I acquired the skills that allowed me to express everything I had inside. Welcome to this journey ... MUSIC IS A FIRST CLASS TICKET DIRECT TO ALL WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE." Follow & Support