Lebowski Publishers

Willem Bosch - The Man In The Moon - 2.3.74 (2)



"The Man In The Moon", a story by Willem Bosch, translated by Joni Zwart, read to you by Joshua Baumgarten Ezra’s father is suffering from dementia. The only thing he is interested in, is soccer. Every Saturday and Sunday, they’ll watch the tournaments start to finish, and the dementia will wander off somewhere. Ezra discovers that his father predicts every game outcome correctly, and Ezra begins to bet on the outcomes. Within fifteen weeks, he becomes the only person to ever have correctly predicted every final score of the competition. The money keeps pouring in, until Ezra gets arrested by two men in black. Soon they put Ezra’s father’s predictions into a different perspective. This is a story from literary magazine for Grounded SF "2.3.74" (2), with stories from the Netherlands and Flanders. Read all stories at www.magazine2374.com/.