Let's Talk With Mo Hasan

Wisdom Nights (2) - Actions Express Our Priorities



This edition of 'Wisdom Nights' focuses on how our actions reflect our priorities. How do you spend your time, energy and money? That's the fastest way to determine what you currently value in life. Parkinson's Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law "What gets measured - gets managed" said Peter Drucker. Having a diary can aid creativity: https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/03/02/john-steinbeck-working-days/ Follow me on: Instagram: @MoHasan92 Twitter.com/MoHasan92 Youtube: Let's Talk with Mo Hasan Email: LetstalkwithMoHasan@gmail.com Blog: MoHasan.net Soundcloud.com/MoHasan92