Scarers Anonymous

Episode 4 (Part 2 of 3): "Mike is a Doink" with Mike Pero



This is Part 2 of 3 of Episode 4 with Mike Pero. We are also joined by Jeffrey Moore, Paul Bilson and Shaun Brookhyser. We continue talking about Mike's time working at Knott's Scary Farm and also many other topics such as:-Mike's love of ruining other people's on-ride photos on Splash Mountain-How we wish Disneyland Texas was a thing-The time Mike threw a live roach in a girl's hair-Poop shenanigans-The time Paul grabbed a meat girl-The time when CS Streets monsters hated Andy-Scion Night at Knott's Scary Farm-How people get their Haunt Names-A Peacock Bitch-How crappy the Dark Realm at Knott's Scary Farm was-The time nobody would lick Paul's poo-The time Mike and his running partner made friends with a gang-Why Paul is Gentle-We give Jeff a Haunt name he doesn't want-Paul tells us what kind of tastes like roast beef...and many more!