Tl;dr Glen Cook's The Black Company -- Chapter 1 -- The Legate

discussing Foundation by Isaac Asimov -- part 4



In this episode: Limmar Ponyets is dragged into a bad situation getting worse on the planet Askone.SFFRA is a book/podcast aiming for an in-depth discussion of some genre notables that get us excited. WARNING: These episodes are intended as a supplement to the reading. Anything revealed in a section is subject to a "what we know so far" discussion, with a greater than 0% chance of related speculation. We always avoid spoilers, BUT, if a close-reading reveals secrets left obscure to a casual reader... be warned.Please, keep comments relevant to the current episode.We'd like to encourage you to "like" the podcast if you do. Subscribe, tell your friends and all that jazz. This is the best way you can help us.Patreon -- This option is for those who love what we're doing and just can't live without us. Your contributions will help us cover the costs of the RSS feed, logo design, hardware upgrades, etc. -- Follow SFFRA for episode a