Liberty Revealed

No More Lockdowns!



Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed, the show dedicated to revealing personal liberty to all who listen. I am your host, Mike Mahony, and today I want to talk to you about why I believe you should oppose lockdowns.As you are no doubt aware, the response to the COVID pandemic has been to lockdown entire countries. In the United States, this has happened on a state by state basis. What started as a “two weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown has now extended into an 8 month-long period of lockdowns of varying severity.The issue I have, and it is why I say you, too, should oppose lockdowns, is that this response is not based in scientific evidence despite us being told we need to listen to science.The World Health Organization has come out against lockdowns. They say lockdowns hurt economies (duh) and are not needed. Despite the many warnings, California, where I live, is now on lockdown yet again. Some counties have closed up all restaurants. Others have allowed outdoor dining. The problem is ther