Dennis Holmes Show

The Side Jawn - Facebook group series The start of 2mw with Tricia Joy



Show Interview: Miss 2MW Sports 360 herself - Tricia Joy start 2MW and how did you get it going. -Did you start it alone or did you have a team? - How was the first year? - What changes have you made in the the group since the beginning? Branding, rules, etc. - Talk a little bit about the shows you started: Real Stat 360 and One on One Card Chaos Live, love both of them. - Are you bringing them back? If so when? - Anything you can share on the future of 2MW Sports 360? - What are your biggest challenges in being the founder of a huge sports group like 2MW? You joys of it? - Now lets get into the nitty gritty - NBA and WNBA questions - Who is your favorite NBA team and player? Why? How did it start? - What happens when you get in debates about your favorites? - How do you feel about the power it seems NBA players have vs what less power NFL players have? Any ideas how the NFL players could reach the NBA level, or do you even think they should? - Do you have a favorite WNBA player/team? - The WNBA is sayin