Goldstein On Gelt

Why FBAR Reports are Important



Are you up to date with your FBAR (Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts)? If not, a cross-border financial advisor might be able to help you get things straightened out. Eli Noff is a U.S. based cross-border CPA and tax attorney who helps American citizens living abroad be U.S. tax compliant. Specifically, Eli outlines how FBAR reports are a determining factor in tax compliance. He explains who uses the information on the report, and how it is used. Eli highlights the penalties that non-compliance brings. Don’t despair if you haven’t kept up to date with your reporting requirements. Listen to the show to learn more about what you can do. Read this before you file your U.S. taxes How do you prepare for filing your taxes with the U.S. government? What numbers and forms do you need? Download the checklist Tax and Investment Reminders for Americans Living in Israel for the steps you need to take in order to complete your FBAR reports and other tax filing requirements. Remember to always consult a tax pr