Goldstein On Gelt

Does Evidence-Based Investing Yield Positive Results?



There is more than one way to skin a cat, and there are multiple investment strategies you can apply to your savings. But how do you know which strategy can produce the best results for you? Today’s guest, Yariv Haim, founder and CEO of Sparrows Capital, delves into two of his favorite investing strategies: evidence-based investing and contrarian investing. Yariv defines these strategies and explains why they are effective. Should you let the facts speak for themselves, or should you rely on your own intuition? How important is your mindset when looking for a good personal investment strategy? Is it time to have a financial discussion with your parents? One of the toughest financial issues people have is deciding when it’s time to relinquish their financial independence and ask for help with their finances. Download a seven-step checklist for adults who feel that their parents might need some help with managing their money. The list is called 7 Steps to Helping Your Parents Manage Their Money. If you need som