Goldstein On Gelt

Do Your Financial Values Define Who You Are?



Do your financial values guide your investment decisions? Financial values are the things that are important to you: the goals you have for your money. Before any investment or purchase, ask yourself, “What do I value?” Certified financial planner Michael F. Kay explains how a person’s background affects their financial choices. He asserts that our parents are our first models of fiscal behavior. We can rise above the nature vs. nurture debate, and not blindly follow the path of a fiscally poor role model. You can break the cycle and create good habits moving forward. Learn how to identify your financial values and use them as guidelines. The author of The Feel Rich Project assures listeners that you don’t have to “go cold turkey” to make a positive change in your financial life. Financial independence is not just finding investments with high cash flow Doug explains that finding investments with high cash flow is not the only way to feel financially secure. There are other ways to get a positive cash flow. D