Goldstein On Gelt

What Does Networking Have to Do with Your Financial Decisions



Most people think of networking as a good way to find a job or make other type of connections. J. Kelly Hoey, author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships in a Hyper-Connected World, shares how networking can help or hinder your financial decisions. This is because networking is based on trust… a necessary ingredient in any financial advice you get. Kelly offers advice to listeners about how to build a trustworthy network that may open up new financial opportunities. Supporting your adult children can ruin your retirement! Saying no to your grown children requests for money teaches them self-reliance. While it may be a difficult lesson to implement, Doug presents a list of methods of “cutting your grown children off” so you can preserve your own retirement funds as much as possible. Create a realistic course of action to teach your adult children how to be financially independent. For a full list of steps to stop your enabling practices click here. Learn more about J. Kelly Hoey by readi