Goldstein On Gelt

Do You Really Need to Make More Money?



Everybody wants to make more money in investing, but do you really need to? Investing is a personal choice that you should be able to customize to your own needs. Some people invest for growth while others just want to maintain their principal. Financial journalist Miranda Marquit shares her own investment challenges. Miranda describes the life of a freelancer and how saving money can be difficult. She explains her money saving approach as well as why index investing fits her needs. The 3 rules of thumb about investing Doug explains why you need to keep an eye on your investments. He has 3 rules of thumb to remember about investing. Listen to the podcast to find out what they are. You should plan your investments around your life, not the other way around. Follow Miranda Marquit’s financial advice at, and listen to her co-host The Money Tree Investing Podcast with Doug. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free eboo