Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#135: Making Moves with Guests Amy Gardner & Keith Sbiral



Today, I have two special guests. If you’re looking to make a career change (within or outside law) or you’re an associate or new partner wanting to position yourself for success, this episode is for you! What we cover in this episode: • What it’s like for a husband-wife duo to both leave their careers and start their own business • What keeps lawyers and other professionals from making successful career transitions • How to be proactive in your career to set yourself up for success while climbing the corporate ladder • Why it’s so important to get neutral feedback and perspectives from others who aren’t close to your situation • Mastermind opportunities to work with Amy and Keith next year if you’re not a good fit for the 2020 Experience Want to work with me next year? Applications are now open for The 2020 Experience, my annual mastermind for ambitious, high-achieving women. It’s a transformational experience limited to 32 women ready to achieve major goals while doubling down on self-care. If you’re ready