Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#104: Mentoring in the #MeToo Era



Today we’re talking about mentorship and how it’s been impacted by the #MeToo movement. This is a topic that keeps showing up on social media and news, as well as in my private workshops and masterminds, so I thought it was worthy of a discussion here on the podcast.   Things you will learn in this episode:  The unintentional consequences of the #MeToo movement and how it may negatively impact women getting mentorship and opportunities    Why the mentorship of female associates is so critical and how we can make sure men continue to be involved in mentoring young women     My own experiences in being mentored as an associate and a powerful conversation I had with a male mentor that changed everything     What you can do depending on your gender, age and role to help make sure men are mentoring and investing in women (and traps to watch out for)  LINKS: (#55) (#4)  ht