Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#103: Capturing Billable Hours



Today I’m talking about billable hours and, as you’ll hear, it’s not always about how you plan and budget your billables that is important. For many, it really is about replacing old habits with new ones. If you struggle with capturing your time, I’ll help you change that once and for all on today’s episode of Hustle & Flow. Get full show notes and more information here: Things you will learn in this episode: • The key factor that will determine whether you’re capable of changing your billable habits • The reasons why multitasking is creating havoc on your billables • Three different solutions to help you track and document your time • What I mean by “doing things as you go” and how this will benefit you more than you think • How implementing these strategies can be a total game changer for your life and law practice LINKS:  (#99) Life