Lit Literature

[EP.85] Song of Susannah The Dark Tower Book 6 By Stephen King Part 1



Hello all! Here is our discussion on the Song of Susannah by Stephen King. We are super pumped to be discussing this book in 2 parts. We have deep conversations regarding the man in black, Eddie Dean, Jake Chambers, and like the title suggests Susannah Dean. Not to mention Mordred, and so much more.  Enjoy as we keep the discussion on our favorite Ka-Tet going. Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more. Please enjoy, or at least laugh! Literature discussion done right! We, the Shoutouts, from Lyket Entertainment, have a book club discussion on our favorite fantasy and sci-fi literature with our choice wine, beer, ale, and rum.  Find us at Facebook: @LitLiterature1 Twitter: @LitLiterature1 Instagram: @LitLiterature1 Soundcloud: @LitLiterature1 Libsyn: @LitLiterature   Lit Literature http// Search for us on apple podcast or most any other podc