Lit Literature

[EP.66] Starsight by Brandon Sanderson Part 2



This episode we teleport back into Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. Spoilers to follow! We discuss the current political makeup of Starsight and the competing factions, more on Brade's motives and her loyalty to Winzik. We talk more on Delvers and control, Cytonic bombs, the delver force training, and even old human tech. Please enjoy as we lead up to the finale to be released next in part 3. Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more.  Now Part 2 of 3 discussions on Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. Please enjoy, or at least laugh! Literature discussion done right! We, the Shoutouts, from Lyket Entertainment, have a book club discussion on our favorite fantasy and sci-fi literature with our choice wine, beer, ale, and rum.   Find us at Facebook: @LitLiterature1 Twitter: @LitLiterature1 Instagram: @LitLiterature1 Soundcloud: @LitLiterature1 Libsyn: @LitLiterature