Lit Literature

[EP.64] Skyward by Brandon Sanderson Part 3



Apologies to all that downloaded this episode before we caught the audio glitch. We had a technical issue and realized only half the episode was uploaded. We now have replaced the file with the full-length discussion. Please enjoy! This episode we again fly into Skyward by Brandon Sanderson, and we finally talk about the end of the book and all that is implied. We get to discuss the defect, Spin's father Chaser's true fate, the nowhere, the eyes of the delvers, Doomslug, Cytonic hyperdrive, and Cytonic powers. Plus, due to the fact that we are 3 parts deep, we go way off the rockers on many subjects…Oh well, we may have overindulged in the Lit portion of this podcast. Actually, so much that we put a future limit on the consumption of spirits for the Starsight episodes.  Hopefully, this is still fun for all of you. We recommend finishing the book before starting this for a spoiler-free experience, Cheers!  Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmer