Lit Literature

[EP.63] Skyward by Brandon Sanderson Part 2



Fantasy and sci-fi literature book club discussion podcast often reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more.  In honor of Brandon Sanderson releasing Starsight this week, the sequel to our beloved Skyward, this episode is part 2 of our discussion on Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. And its perfect timing as well. We will release all 3 of our Skyward episodes to give us time to read the continuation of the story in the newly released Startsight and get those episodes to you next. This episode we again fly into Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. We get to discuss all of the original Skyward flight members such as  Jorgen Weight, Nedd Strong, Hurl, Rodge McCaffrey, Arturo Mendez, Kimmalyn, Bim, Freyja, and the relationships they formed.  We touch on the group's ability to cope with death and we argue extensively on some Brett bets that probably don’t matter. Oh well.  We recommend finishing the book before starting this for a spoiler-free experience, but if you don